Saturday, April 14, 2012

Drawing from life (Free Tutorial)

Drawing from life is the best way to learn to draw and observe the objects around us.  During this art club day, we drew these beautiful flowers from life. When you are drawing flowers, you have more room to make mistakes.  The flowers are organic objects. Each tiny curve of each tiny petal does not have to be perfect!

Drawing Flowers from Life (tutorial)

  • Plan on drawing for one hour.  If the flowers are cut, you might have to work faster or put them in water.  Plants that are potted are easier to come back to the next day, but they will have grown or changed slightly.
  • Use only pencil.  Press lightly with the pencil.  This is not a math test.  Try not to erase.
  • Try to hold your body and your flowers in the same place the whole time.  This means your head, too.  If you change your position, you will see contrary shapes and angles.
  • Start by drawing the largest shape you see.  For these daffidols, it will be the bell-shape of the petals.  Do not yet draw the details, fluffy cute shapes of the flower.  Save that for later.

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